
Knowledge management, the knowledge management of a community is strategic.

The sources of universal knowledge are the laws of science, a science that is also aware of its limitations, and therefore aimed at continuous improvement.

An “increased” intelligence is able to amalgamate knowledge with conscience, awareness of the context and a broader ethical sense of one’s actions.

Expanding one’s borders in a shared space, with knowledge in a magmatic evolution, generates an “increased” intelligence, now indispensable for facing the tangle of challenges to be solved, in times that require a sudden and coordinated acceleration capacity of the various activities.

All this for the development of a better, sustainable, committed, fair and responsible world.

Intelligence is the product of the human mind, an expression of the faculties of thought, but the human being is also capable of pretending, inventing, with the mind. There are cases where the mind lies. Intelligence, by itself, may therefore not be functional to collective well-being. This is why the management of knowledge, knowledge management, must be brought back to a broader horizon where, in addition to the body (to which the brain belongs), it is necessary to give space to the heart and spirit.

Knowledge Management

Isolated knowledge obtained by a group of specialists in a narrow field is in itself of no value whatsoever. It has value only within the framework of the theoretical system which unites it with all the rest of knowledge, and only to the extent that it actually contributes, in this synthesis, to answering the question: “Who are we?”

Not only must the object be adequate to science, science must also be adequate to its object.

Know to decide

Knowing means having the opportunity to make more informed decisions, initiate more effective paths, actions and behaviors for the achievement of objectives, results, projects, whether personal or broader.

To know, it is necessary to invest time in training, to learn from the knowledge deposited over time by past generations.

The rate of development of knowledge is increasingly essential to provide urgent answers, find solutions suited to the context.
Today everything has become fast, potentially accessible and we need to be able to seize new opportunities.

If new ways of doing, seeing, relating, managing, using tools appear on the horizon, it means that people must be able to dedicate part of their time to continuous training, learn new ways, constantly enrich their assets.

Paths, actions and
more effective behaviors
Keep on
Learn, enrich
your own assets.
of dialogue
Critical factor
To organize
the Knowledge
Deposit, modify,
improve knowledge

In the organizational sphere, people are part of groups, units and it is the task of the organizational design to be able to combine the different interests.

On a personal level, what are my learning goals?
I could decide to be hyper-specialized on a certain topic, updated on everything that can influence it, even on a global level, or take on the role of an extreme generalist: I know a bit of everything, on a superficial level, I move more on the level of relationships rather than that of skills, but when I have to make decisions, do I do it consciously or do I rely on someone else’s analysis?
As a generalist, can I be authoritative? Or in any case do I need to develop other skill levels, soft skills?

Thinking about knowledge strategically means being able to calibrate the different aspects, to find the “recipe” that can give evidence that a continuous and less mutilating dialogue with reality can represent a critical success factor.

Selfishness is inversely proportional to knowledge.
I know if I open my mind to new worlds.

When the power of one person’s autonomous skills amalgamates and strengthens within a team and the whole is orchestrated in a wider organizational and/or community context, only then is the result greater than the sum of the parts

It is therefore necessary to create a humus conducive to learning, to create or acquire quality training content that can give answers not only in the medium/long term, but also in the short term.

It is necessary to create opportunities to organize, deposit, modify, improve knowledge by making it easily usable in the most appropriate ways to the context, generating a benefit on daily operations.

Today this is possible.

The Rules of the “Game”

Adopting a new way, a change, always represents a well-known challenge in the field of organizational change.

Awareness of the benefits that can derive from belonging to a community must be perceived and rooted in those who have the power to decide whether to participate. Easier and more immediate to practice if you are an expert or a freelancer. In the organizational sphere, a culture aimed at continuous learning, innovation and comparison makes it easier to start a project with the involvement of the main key players (and authors).

Did I make the right choice?

This is the key question we ask ourselves before making a decision, and after, especially if the actions promoted have not given the desired results.


How much is it worth knowing if I’m doing the right thing?

Learning allows you to:

  • recognize a problem
  • ask the right questions
  • act along a consistent path
  • find the solution
  • tell stories
  • build tools

Because knowledge represents a source of immense wealth.

Knowledge exists, it is widespread, but often fragmented and isolated.
WeYourConsult breaks down boundaries, enters rooms, opens doors to all those who produce and consume knowledge.

Experts, managers/entrepreneurs, professionals, wherever there is knowledge and a device connected to the network, exchange views on thematic channels.

Because WeYourConsult creates an orchestrated context of knowledge by facilitating the perception of a clear image to make a skill significant, update it based on developments and innovations – also thanks to the contact relationships offered.


Unlock Knowledge

New ideas, new ways of doing things, of thinking can only arise if we convince ourselves that each of us is an actor of our own change as a source and inspiration to do things better with fewer resources, to be better. A path that cannot be done alone, it must be shared, also to overcome the inevitable fears.

Once upon a time, the word was born.
Then writing passed down memories, and books were born.
Today, words are also digital and can be shared with everyone, easily.
Too easily. We are overwhelmed with tons of words, videos and sounds, often with a negative balance between the time we spend and the enrichment that should come from it.

To recognize Rivers of words are not always the best thing. the value of knowledge, there is no need to engrave it on marble, through the reputation of who writes it. you need to be able to evaluate it It is necessary to weld the ethical sense of our existence act and with sustainability, sharing and recognition of merit if the opportunities if solutions A world in continuous and chaotic innovation is a prisoner of himself ... become emergencies, become problems

It is urgent to recover the time for reflection and adopt a broader vision that allows us to evaluate the appropriate choices for change.



WeYourConsult is a group of members who have decided to dedicate resources to improve themselves and offer high added value services.

It also contains a social dimension because it provides that part of the knowledge can be used for free.

To be a member of WeYourConsult it is necessary to adhere to the Manifest which contains the principles and vision that inspires the model.


You can access knowledge by becoming a member and accessing member services through the solutions portal.

If you are a member, you must be available to insert some articles on the portal that you can decide to make public or accessible to one or more membership levels.

The methods of joining, the rules, the support and the tools offered allow you to be inserted in a stimulating, dynamic context and in ways that allow you to enhance your professionalism and reputation.


The dimensions of knowledge can be summarized in these elements:
– Authors
– Contents
– Context



They are the knowledge workers who belong to WeYourConsult memberships and dedicate resources within a virtuous development model.

The actors, the source of conversations, of confrontation for one’s own growth and inspiration for change.

Must be at least 18 years of age, have a high school or college graduate, able to demonstrate quality writing and content communication skills.

Currently, those who operate, in various capacities, in the field of Business Economics are welcomed.

They can belong to different contexts: experts of a company/organisation, managers/entrepreneurs, professionals.


One of the guiding principles for creating and evaluating content is that it be simple, concise, and comprehensive.
You should also strive to make revisions dynamically.

Obviously the contents must be original, respecting the copyright constraints.

WeYourConsult constantly strives to provide support to Authors.


Who is a member undertakes to edit content in the form of articles through methods that facilitate the reader’s learning path, using the methods, advice and tools that facilitate the drafting.

The publication of the contents is evaluated by WeYourConsult in order to be able to guarantee the quality of the same, also to the advantage of the writer’s reputation.

Each article can be evaluated and commented by the members in order to enrich new versions of the contents thanks to ideas or reflections that can emerge from the comparison.

Furthermore, the Author is given the right to keep track of and report the variations that have occurred in the various versions that follow one another in the story.

The evaluations expressed and other indicators are summarized in a RATING elaborated through a proprietary algorithm on a scale of 1 to 5.


Public articles may be subject to web search engine optimization (SEO). The SEO indicator is also used within the rating algorithm.


There is no knowledge without a master.

WeYourConsult offers the possibility of accessing an E-LEARNING platform that allows trainers to deliver courses both free and for a fee.


Authors can prepare questionnaires, quizzes, data and information collection forms for their own studies and projects.


There are several FORUMs by area of interest, topic in order to facilitate the flow of communication and clarifications between members.


The contents can also be provided through the organization of EVENTS both online, such as webinars, meetings, and in presence in pre-established places.


Knowledge must be contextualized, validated in a given context.

The set of elements that define a context represent the interpretations and allow you to apply a filter useful for selecting interests.

WeYourConsult, aware of the difficulties of containing knowledge in a magmatic evolution in pre-established orders, for each domain of knowledge establishes a hierarchy of taxonomies that help the search for knowledge by grasping the possible differentiations in different contexts.

Examples of filters in the corporate economics are the function to which they belong, the sector, the company size, the corporate form, the territorial area.


The differentiation of knowledge by typology within a given context, for example, allows for the presentation of a given topic starting from a perceived problem or a question.

From these elements synthetic ideas can be provided on the “how to do for” to then access specific detailed contents, any insights, tools and solutions.


The differentiation of knowledge by typology within a given context, for example, allows for the presentation of a given topic starting from a perceived problem or a question.


The contents can be made accessible only to members of one or more memberships, not only to protect the dissemination of certain knowledge, but also to increase the effectiveness and focus of management in relation to the main scarce resource: time.


Visit the knowledge base dedicated to Business Economics.
There is a freely accessible public area and areas dedicated to members.

Data Security

Although, as in the Terms and Conditions and in the Membership Agreement, WeYourConsult cannot give guarantees regarding data security, the portal is equipped with systems and solutions such as:

encrypted data (HTTPS) through automatic SSL certificates with wildcard support covering all subdomains;
access security controls, including brute force protection, XMLRPC protection, reCAPTCHA to block automated attacks, and IP access control;
authenticator-based two-factor login authentication (2FA) for added security;
data protection with SFTP and SSH connections (no FTP);
malware scans and firewall rule updates that protect against vulnerabilities in core, plugins and themes, implemented in real time;
adopting an application security portfolio that keeps applications and APIs secure and productive, thwarts DDoS attacks, keeps bots at bay, detects anomalies and malicious payloads;
integrated network security solutions for DDoS, WAN-as-a-service and Firewall-as-a-service protection;
compliance with the GDPR;
protected areas accessible only by members.

Get involved

If you are interested in learning more, we invite you to register for free to get more information.